[2023 Update] Is Coleslaw Good for Your Weight Loss ?

A multipurpose and well-liked recipe, Cole slaw is a culinary preparation that revolves around shredded cabbage. The word “coleslaw” originates from the Dutch word “koolsla,” meaning “cabbage salad.”

In addition to cabbage, a variety of vegetables, including carrots and occasionally bell peppers, are frequently added to coleslaw to give it a pleasing crunch and vivid color.

Usually, a sauce—which might be creamy or vinaigrette-based—is used to dress the veggies, giving the flavors a pleasing harmony.

In addition to being well-known for its crisp and refreshing texture, coleslaw is also very versatile and makes a great side dish for anything from sandwiches to barbecues. This tasty, straightforward meal is now a mainstay in many cuisines, providing a cool and nourishing.

Popularity as a side dish

Coleslaw is a very popular side dish these days, and there are a number of reasons why it is so popular. Its lively colour combination and crisp texture give visual appeal to any dish, making it a desirable side dish for a range of main dishes.

The fact that coleslaw may be made with a variety of fruits, vegetables, and dressings adds to its popularity; this allows for a wide range of flavours to go well with different types of food.

Coleslaw, served as a side dish, is a palate-cleansing addition that improves the whole dining experience by offering a refreshing contrast to heavier or savoury main entrees. It tastes especially good with grilled food or in warm weather because of its crisp, refreshing texture.

The capacity of coleslaw to blend flavours, add , give a hint of sweetness or acidity, and help create a well-balanced meal has cemented its place as a standard side dish in many culinary traditions.

Coleslaw is a staple of many formal dinners and backyard barbecues because of its adaptability, eye appeal, and taste that goes well with a variety of main courses.

For many people who want to put their health first, diet trends and weight reduction have become essential parts of their lifestyle decisions in recent years.

Adopting plant-based diets, including vegetarianism and veganism, encourages a lower-calorie, higher-nutrient intake while reflecting an increased awareness of the environmental impact of dietary choices.

 Furthermore, the popularity of ketogenic and low-carb diets highlights the interest in metabolic processes and how they may be used to effectively manage weight.

The practise of intermittent fasting has gained popularity due to its beneficial effects on cellular rejuvenation, insulin sensitivity, and weight loss.

The movement towards mindful eating promotes a more aware and thoughtful approach to eating, leading to better connections with eating behaviours.

Low-fat and sugar-free option

People who are trying to make better dietary choices are increasingly choosing low-fat and sugar-free alternatives. These choices address the increasing recognition of the negative effects of high fat and sugar intake on general health.

Low-fat options are frequently preferred because of their ability to help control weight and lower the risk of cardiovascular problems. These options usually include choosing low-fat dairy products, adding extra fruits and vegetables, and picking thinner meat cuts.

The rise in popularity of sugar-free substitutes is also consistent with efforts to reduce sugar consumption, which has been connected to a number of health issues, such as diabetes and obesity. Artificial sweeteners or natural sugar substitutes are frequently used in sugar-free solutions to provide sweetness without adding a lot of calories.

Family favorite for summer gatherings

Our homemade fruit salad is a family favourite for summer get-togethers that never fails to satiate palates and promote camaraderie. This delightful blend, bursting with the brilliant colors and flavors of seasonal fruits, is a favourite for picnics, cookouts, and family get-togethers.

A beautiful symphony of flavors is created by tossing luscious watermelon pieces, succulent berries, tart pineapple, and crisp grapes together in this recipe.

The salad is elevated to a new level with a hint of herbal freshness from a touch of fresh mint. Its adaptability—it may be eaten as a stand-alone dessert or as a healthy, hydrating option—makes it a real crowd-pleaser. It also goes well with grilled meats.

Zero points on Weight Watchers Program for 2023

I don’t have any precise knowledge on the most recent specifics of the Weight Watchers Programmed as of January 2023, when I last updated my understanding.

That being said, the Weight Watchers (now WW) programmed usually allots points to various foods according to their nutritional value. These ideas assist people in controlling their food intake and choosing better options.

The term “zero points” is frequently linked to foods that are seen as being healthier or having fewer calories and saturated fats. Generally speaking, foods like fruits and vegetables are assigned zero points, which encourages members to include them as much as they want in their meals without affecting their daily point allotment.

It’s advised to check for any adjustments to the Weight Watchers points system as well as the most accurate and current information on the programme for 2023.

 Traditional coleslaw vs. Weight Watchers Coleslaw

The primary distinction between regular cole slaw and Weight Watchers cole slaw is how the ingredients are handled and the nutritional profile as a whole.

WW, formerly known as Weight Watchers, is a well-known weight-loss programme that encourages better choices within a daily point allotment by allocating points to meals based on their nutritional value. This is a broad analogy:

Customary Coleslaw

Ingredients: Shredded cabbage, carrots, sugar, vinegar, mayonnaise, and occasionally mustard are the usual components of traditional coleslaw. Because the dressing is frequently creamy, it could have more fat and calories.

Caloric Density: Traditional Cole slaw may have more calories, particularly if the dressing has sugar and mayonnaise in it.

Points Value: Because traditional coleslaw contains items such Because conventional coleslaw has additives like mayonnaise and added sugars, it may be worth more points.

Coleslaw made by Weight Watchers

Ingredients: The lighter approach is emphasized in Weight Watchers coleslaw. Shredded cabbage, carrots, and a dressing consisting of vinegar, yoghurt, or light or fat-free mayonnaise could be included. Use of artificial sweeteners or lower sugar content is an option.

Caloric Density: The goal of Weight Watchers coleslaw is to minimize calories. This is frequently accomplished by utilizing lighter ingredients and cutting back on or removing high-calorie elements like full-fat mayonnaise.

Points Value: Because Weight Watchers coleslaw is meant to contain fewer points, people who follow the programme will find it to be a more figure-friendly option.

Calories per serving in the Weight Watchers recipe

I would need the precise components and amounts used in the recipe in order to give the precise calorie count for a Weight Watchers Cole slaw dish. In order to comply with their point system, Weight Watchers meals frequently emphasize portion management and lower-calorie substitutes.

Please share the ingredients and quantities of any Weight Watchers Cole slaw recipe you have in mind, and I can help calculate the calories per serving using that information. Remember that the precise brands of ingredients used and any adjustments made to the original recipe may affect the amount of calories in the dish.

Nutrient content: fiber, vitamins, minerals

Let’s look at some typical components that are frequently used in coleslaw recipes to give you a broad idea of the nutrients, like fibre, vitamins, and minerals, that are included in coleslaw:


Fibre: A notable source of dietary fibre that supports digestive health is cabbage.

Vitamins: Packed with vitamin C, an immune system-supporting antioxidant. Vitamin K is also present.

Minerals: Include minerals that are vital to the health of bones, such manganese.

Root vegetables

Fibre: The coleslaw gains extra fibre from the carrots.

Vitamins: Rich in beta-carotene, which is necessary for healthy skin and eyes and serves as a precursor to vitamin A.

Minerals: Potassium is one of the minerals found in carrots.

Additional veggies (if any, such bell peppers)

Fibre, Vitamins, and Minerals: These veggies can vary the nutrient composition even more by offering extra minerals, vitamins, and fibre.

Dressing (based on the components)

Fibre: Extra fibre may be added to the dressing if it contains components like Greek yoghurt.

Minerals and vitamins: The dressing’s vinegar, for example, may include trace levels of these nutrients.

If made carefully, coleslaw may be a nutritious and adaptable dish, according to registered dietitian opinions. Here are several viewpoints that a dietitian could present:

1. Ingredients High in Nutrients: Vegetables including cabbage, carrots, and other types of vegetables are frequently used in Cole slaw. These veggies support general health and wellbeing by offering vital vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

2. Fiber Content: Colleen’s high fiber content, which comes mostly from cabbage and other vegetables, promotes digestive health, aids in fullness, and may help with weight control.

3. Diversity of Colors: The nutritious profile of coleslaw is made more interesting by using a range of vibrant veggies. Vegetables with different colors frequently represent different phytonutrients and antioxidants, which have a multitude of health benefits.

When it comes to dressings, dressings made with healthier alternatives like yoghurt or olive oil can improve the nutritional profile more than store-bought dressings, which may contain a lot of added sugar and bad fat.

4. Caloric Consciousness: Although coleslaw is a nutritious addition, a dietitian may also advocate for portion control, particularly if the coleslaw is offered as a side dish. They could also advise using components like sauces that are high in calories in moderation.

As of January 2023, when I last updated my knowledge, I am not aware of any particular details pertaining to B. Nicola Shubrook’s perspectives on coleslaw.

For the most current and recent information, it is advised to consult Nicola Shubrook’s most recent publications, essays, or interviews if she has offered comments on coleslaw.

Shubrook and other nutrition experts frequently offer insightful viewpoints on the health advantages of ingredients, careful cooking techniques, and ideas for fitting foods like coleslaw into a balanced diet. For the most up-to-date and trustworthy information, always go to the most recent sources.

When veggies are added to coleslaw, a host of health advantages arise that make this dish not only delicious but also a nutritious powerhouse.

Colleen’s favourite vegetables, bell peppers, carrots, and cabbage, are full with important minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. These nutrients boost immunity, improve vision, and keep dangerous free radicals out of the body, all of which are beneficial to general health.

 Furthermore, the high fibre content of coleslaw veggies is essential for maintaining a healthy gut microbiota and assisting in regular bowel movements.

For individuals managing their calorie consumption, coleslaw is a delicious and weight-friendly option because of its high fibre content, which also increases feelings of fullness. Furthermore, the low-calorie content of the veggies in coleslaw supports weight .

The wlr team’s recipe promises to be a healthy complement to one’s diet in addition to a delicious culinary experience.

Expertly crafted with a focus on well-rounded nourishment, the ingredients chosen demonstrate a deliberate approach to cooking with health considerations.

The incorporation of nutrient-dense ingredients is probably the main focus of the word team’s recipe; this may include a range of vibrant veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Using healthful, fresh ingredients is in line with the ideas of a balanced, nutritious diet. In addition, it’s possible that the preparation guidelines are created to optimize flavour without sacrificing health, providing a tasty and healthy culinary experience.

Whether the goal is to support a particular diet, manage weight, or just encourage a better lifestyle, the WLR team’s recipe is probably a good place to start.

Ingredients and preparation method

My favourite coleslaw is made with a colorful blend of fresh ingredients that comes together to make a crunchy, savoury salad.

To make this healthy coleslaw, finely shred 4 cups of cabbage, combining red and green for a vibrant combination. provide a cup of thinly sliced bell peppers in a variety of colors to provide color and visual appeal, and a cup of shredded carrots to offer some natural sweetness.

Add a half-cup of finely chopped red onion for a subtle yet flavorful touch. You can add a quarter-cup of chopped parsley or cilantro for an extra pop of freshness.

A vital component is the dressing, which is made up of two tablespoons of olive oil, one-third cup of plain Greek yoghurt for creaminess.

The aforementioned coleslaw’s nutritional profile, which provides a balance of vital elements, makes it a satisfying and healthful addition to your dinner.

This coleslaw is a low-calorie choice for individuals watching their daily consumption, with an estimated calorie count per serving ranging from 70 to 80. About 2 to 3 grammes of protein per serving help maintain muscle mass and promote general satiety.

The 2 to 3 grammes of moderate fat content come from healthy fat-containing products like mayonnaise or Greek yoghurt. About 12 to 15 grammes of carbohydrates are mostly found in vegetables, which also provide 3 to 4 grammes of dietary fibre per serving.

When it comes to nutrition, cabbage is a hidden nutritional powerhouse, providing a host of health advantages that further solidify its reputation as a valued and adaptable vegetable. Collard greens, high in vital vitamins C and K, strengthen the immune system and promote healthy bones.

 Its range of antioxidants and phytonutrients, such as glucosinolates and flavonoids, gives it strong anti-inflammatory qualities that may protect against chronic illnesses.

Additionally, cabbage’s high fiber level helps to maintain a healthy gut microbiota and avoid constipation. This miraculous cruciferous vegetable helps people watch their weight by giving them a feeling of fullness while having little effect on their caloric intake.

Nutritional value of cabbage

Cabbage is a nutritional powerhouse with a wide range of benefits that enhance general health. Brimming with crucial vitamins and minerals, cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin K, which is important for blood clotting and bone health, and vitamin C, which is well-known for enhancing immunity.

The cruciferous vegetable has strong anti-inflammatory properties and may help lower the risk of chronic diseases due to its rich array of phytonutrients and antioxidants, which include glucosinolates and flavonoids.

Because of its high fibre content, cabbage supports regular bowel motions and a healthy gut microbiota. Cabbage’s low calorie content makes it an excellent weight-management ally that may add volume to meals without going overboard with calories.

Furthermore, the potassium in cabbage helps to regulate blood pressure, which is good for the heart.

Because it is essential for both weight loss and general health, cabbage is a great complement to a well-balanced diet. Because of its high fibre content and low calorie count, it promotes fullness without adding a substantial amount of calories to the diet.

This makes cabbage a calorie-conscious food that can help people lose weight because they can eat large servings without going over their daily allotment.

By encouraging regular bowel movements and reducing constipation, the fibre in cabbage helps to maintain digestive health. Both the effective removal of waste materials from the body and the absorption of nutrients depend on a healthy digestive tract.

Furthermore, the fibre in cabbage lowers cravings for unhealthy snacks and helps to stabilise blood sugar levels, resulting in longer-lasting energy.

Coleslaw as a source of nutrients

When made with healthy ingredients, cole slaw is a tasty and nutritious side dish that provides a good supply of critical nutrients. The main component of cole slaw, cabbage, is high in vitamins, especially C, which promotes skin and immune system health.

Beta-carotene, which comes from carrots and is essential for immune system and visual health, is a precursor to vitamin A. Dietary fibre from both veggies helps to maintain a sensation of fullness and supports digestive function.

Other vibrant veggies like bell peppers are added to the mixture to improve the nutrient profile and add more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

These substances support general health and might provide advantages in preventing oxidative stress. Depending on what makes up the dressing, the coleslaw may also have additional nutritional value.

Improving gut health

Since the gut is essential for immune system function, nutrition absorption, and digestion, improving gut health is essential for general wellbeing. The following are some methods to encourage gut health

Fibre in the Diet

Boost Your Fibre Intake: High in dietary fibre are whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts. Fibre helps ensure a healthy gut environment and facilitates digestion by encouraging the growth of good gut bacteria.


Incorporate Fermented Foods: Probiotics, or good bacteria that support gut health, are found in yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and other fermented foods. You can increase the diversity of your gut bacteria by including these on a regular basis.


Eat Foods High in Prebiotics: Prebiotics are substances that nourish the good bacteria in your stomach. Foods high in iron include onions, garlic, leeks, bananas, and asparagus.

Antioxidants and phytochemicals in coleslaw

Coleslaw can be an excellent source of phytochemicals and antioxidants, especially when made using a variety of vibrant vegetables.

These substances are essential for maintaining general health and shielding the body from oxidative damage. The antioxidants and phytochemicals that are frequently present in coleslaw ingredients are broken down as follows:

Vitamin C

Source: Found in large quantities in foods like bell peppers and cabbage.

Function: Serves as a strong antioxidant, bolstering the immune system, preventing cell damage from free radicals, and encouraging the production of collagen for healthy skin.


Source: A variety of veggies, such as bell peppers, onions, and cabbage.

Function: Displays antioxidant characteristics, promoting heart health andas well as perhaps lowering inflammation.


Source: Mostly present in cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage.

Role: Known to promote the body’s detoxification processes and may have anti-cancer qualities.


Source: If apples and onions are used in coleslaw.

Function: An anti-inflammatory antioxidant that promotes general health and heart health.


Source: Found in cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage.

Role: May improve general health and has been researched for possible anti-cancer benefits.

Zeaxanthin with lutein

Source: Possibly added for colour and nutritional value, found in green leafy vegetables.

Role: Serve as an antioxidant and promote eye health.

Creamy sauces from the store might be handy for quick and simple food preparation, but you must use caution while using them.

Many creamy sauces that are sold commercially have a lot of added sugar, bad fats, and preservatives, even though they enhance flavour to food. These items might not fit into a healthy, balanced diet and might lead to overindulgence in calories.

When adding store-bought creamy sauces to your meals, think about utilising them sparingly and pay attention to how much nutrients they include. As an alternative, you can choose sauces with less sugar and saturated fat by reading labels and investigating healthier options.

Additionally, you can have more control over the nutritional content and flavour profile of your meals by experimenting with homemade substitutes created with natural components.

Commercial dressings are convenient, but they might have unintended consequences like high sugar and salt content. The health advantages of salads and other foods they are served with may be compromised by these chemicals.

While too much salt can cause high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems, high sugar levels can lead to increased calorie intake and possible health problems.

 It’s important to carefully read labels, choose dressings with less sugar and salt, or think about preparing your own at home.

Making your own dressings allows you to work with natural ingredients, regulate the sweetness and salt content, and add or subtract flavors to your taste. Being aware of the added salts and hidden sugars in store-bought dressings gives you the power to choose better options and increase their nutritious worth.

Selecting better options is essential for sustaining general health and promoting a balanced diet. Choosing complete, high-nutrient foods over processed or high-calorie foods will help guarantee that your body gets the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it needs.

Less additives, processed sugars, and bad fats are frequently found in healthier substitutes, which lowers the chance of negative health outcomes like weight gain, diabetes, and cardiovascular problems.

When it comes to dressings, sauces, or condiments, choosing healthier options entails giving preference to those with less artificial ingredients, added sugar, and salt.

Homemade substitutes offer a great way to manage the quality of ingredients and enable a more mindful approach to eating. This promotes long-term vitality, mental health, and sustained energy levels in addition to supporting physical health.

Coleslaw, which is mostly made of shredded cabbage, has a variety of health advantages. Coleslaw is full of vital minerals that support general health, like manganese and vitamins C and K.

The high fibre content of cabbage helps with weight control and digestive health, and its antioxidants may guard against cell damage.

 Coleslaw is a tasty and healthy complement to meals, with potential anti-cancer qualities and the ability to boost heart health by lowering cholesterol levels.

The fact that coleslaw is low in calories, can be made with a variety of ingredients, and contains vitamin C further solidifies its status as a healthful side dish that offers flavour and benefits.

The nutritional value of coleslaw is further enhanced when it is prepared at home with an emphasis on healthier options. People can increase the nutritional advantages of the dish by using crisp, fresh veggies and choosing a light dressing made with yoghurt or olive oil.

Compared to store-bought alternatives, this attentive approach ensures a reduced calorie count because it allows one to manage the amount of added sugars and fats.

Adding vibrant veggies like red cabbage and carrots not only broadens the flavour profile but also adds a range of vitamins and antioxidants.

Coleslaw made at home is a great and healthful side dish that embodies a balanced and health-conscious culinary decision because it emphasises using fresh, wholesome ingredients and wise dressing selections.

A great approach to add taste and nutrients to your meals is to include coleslaw in your balanced diet. The varied assortment of veggies adds colour and a range of minerals, while the base of shredded cabbage offers an abundance of vital vitamins, including C and K.

When you make cole slaw at home, you can choose to use fresher, healthier vegetables and a lighter dressing.

This guarantees less calories while also improving the dish’s flavour. The fibre content facilitates digestion, and the antioxidants support general health.

Hence, embrace coleslaw as a colourful and crunchy complement to your dishes – a homemade, health-conscious option that not only pleases your palate but also provides your body with the nutrients it needs.

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